Saturday, May 30, 2009

another piece

so basically i stayed up until 3am yesterday working on this little doll bust which i think is really cute. it's somewhat inspired by the curls of j. david mckenney which i so adore. (see previous entry). i am so excited, because i know that my WHOLE summer is going to be exactly like this. here are some photos from the process:
frame (1): the head, complete with eyelids, eyeballs, nose, and opening for mouth.
frame (2): the finished head + shoulders (and clavicles). obvs there was an anatomy book RIGHT by my side.frame (3): addin' some curls up in here, i think there are something like 50 curls.
frame (4): as close to complete as it can be without being baked and painted!
i am so excited for the painting, it's always been one of my favorite parts of the process.

feedback!?!? i think i am improving on my sculpting skills. i also love to add new mediums to my vocabulary, which can never be a bad thing. today i went to the library for a few hours and literally went through books about ceramic techniques because i'm taking that intensive ceramics class over the summer. there is a LOT to learn in that area, but i am really excited for it. i have so many ideas that they're brimming over in my sketchbooks, etc. it's always really fun to sit in the back of the library and sketch/take notes, etc. in the quiet. :)

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