Saturday, May 16, 2009

pretty quick, actually

i was just thinking about how weird it is how many things art can teach a person. it's actually so strange. but i've actually been learning that it's good to look back on some stuff you did in the past even if it was awful. for instance, i was just looking back at a page i posted on here called "always gray!" and honestly, at the time, i thought that drawing of me was alright. but now i notice that i really just don't think it works. it's weird that i made that drawing only about a month ago, and already it seems like last year.

anyway i just started a painting of my dog and i like the direction it's moving in. i'm going to post a progress shot of it just for kicks. here it is:
the proportion of the ear is a little off, and i haven't even started working on the values in the ear--pretty much staying close to the face, but i think it's working. i don't know why but i've been in a rut with acrylics recently and i'm starting to get on better terms with it. i want the painting to develop a little bit further though into a composition, and i really haven't decided where it's going to go in that sense yet. i guess i'll just give it time, that's all for now i am probably going to post some sketch pages later

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